Easter Flowers by Hearts & Flowers in Cardiff


Flowers for Easter

Celebratrate with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. This Easter at Hearts & Flowers in Cardiff we are delivering spring bouquets, baskets and arrangements over the Easter weekend and we'll even be open and delivering on Good Friday too!

Fresh flowers and your special message make flower arrangements an ideal gift at Easter time!

And if the recipient loves their chocolate? Why not add an Easter egg to your gift and we'll deliver it with your flowers.

If you are looking to send flowers this Easter call us at Hearts & Flowers in Cardiff on 02920 759265 or alternately you can visit our store in Cardiff CF14 or email us here. If you already know what you want or would like to view our products then please feel free to visit our online store and use this website to order your flowers online. We accept payment via Mastercard, Visa and Paypal making sending flowers even easier. Our website will send you an email receipt and where ever possible we will let you know once the flowers have been delivered.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!


Why choose Hearts and Flowers?